Boyyy, Booy, BOY!!!!!
People got all they feelings into these social networks!!
Lets get started................
1. I am soooooo tired of people taking every little thing you say so personal!!! MAN THE FUCK UP!!!! I mean its gotten to a point where you cant even put up a fb status or tweet about something (by the way my twitter is Mz_Bee_Real:-)............without someone thinking its about them!
2. Any facebook status or tweet i post 90% of the time its general statements! Ive been doing youtube videos for like 3yrs now, so when i talk about a certain topic i dont necessarily have to be directing it to one person! BUT you always have those people that just swear you are shooting shots at them!................NOOOOO! What i am doing is, relating to everyone that follows me or watch me! Now there maybe certain things a GROUP of people do that inspires me to tweet or talk about certain things!
3. For example: I TWEET"i cant stand people that claim they are sooooo real, but yet i have never seen this realness"..................simple right? right!! sooo 2mins later someone else tweets "Im real ass hell, aint shit fake about me!!"....................Like ummmm really!!! .....guilty conscious maybe?? It comes to the point where i have to go back and make sure i didnt put any names in that last tweet lol!!!!
4. The shit is sad!! Ive lost "friends" because of this! Ill write something & they will take it personal & instead of asking me was i shooting shots at them, they just assume & stop talking to me!.................& little ol' me dont pay attention, so im thinking shit cool!! funny right!.......right!!
5. I am a strong believer in "If the shoe fits...............wear it"! know one knows where my mind is when i tweet certain things, so if you think its about you & in all reality its NOT, then ummmmm its a reason it hit home to you!
6.) i cant tell another woman about her life..........i just CANT..............she knows her life better than me ..............BUT.......regardless of what you display to fb or twitter at the end of the day when you log off , you know what the fuck you have to deal with. Weather its blessings or fuckery!
7.) But one thing i can appreciate is honesty!!! If someone has a problem wit me .......tell me! If i make you feel a certain way..............tell me! I would rather a person ask me before they assume & thats where us black woman fail! We rather get a attitude & become stubborn before we address a issue! If we was to always address what we felt, it would cut down a lot of confusion!
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